
Shetland golf course dogs

Another guest post from our canine correspondent (way) up north – Bertie (ably assisted by her person, Steve). I am getting out on the course again myself and bringing along pooch pals when I can, but mostly just playing at my club, Temple. So contributions from afar are most appreciated and help expand the database of useful information on dog-friendly courses for everyone.

Bertie is 4 in December so we are now combining a dual passion of owning a dog and playing golf. So the holiday choice was quite simple, let’s hire a camper van and do somewhere remote and the Shetland Isles came out on top.

The Shetland Isles has three golf courses, one is a 9-holer and they don’t allow dogs so we will move swiftly on.

Shetland Golf Club is just outside the capital Lerwick, it is set in a valley with a sea view at one end of the course. Its 5536 yards with a 68 par. It’s £35 each as a visitor. It is very well maintained and given the time of year (June) it was a lot firmer than our local course in Lancashire. It has a modern clubhouse which to be honest isn’t open most of the time. We played on a Monday and the weather was pretty poor with heavy rain most of the day.

Now Monday, unknown to us, is a big grass cutting day at Shetland Golf course and we could see 6 or 7 ground staff cutting, rolling the greens etc. On arrival spoke to one of these greenkeepers and Bertie was no problem as there were no sheep on the course!!

So off we go waterproofs on, and Bertie wearing his coat!! After a couple of holes one of the staff approached in a big mower having cut some fairway rough down a bit. Now you always think there is a problem as officialdom approaches but far from it. Introduced himself, thanked us for playing the course and gave some balls he had found in the rough. Turns out its members volunteer day and most of the green staff are members of the club and they are doing maintenance. I nearly asked if I could have a go on the mower!!

They are a really friendly club and as we worked our way around the course several of the members stopped us to talk about the club, they have lost their full-time green keeper and are in a gap before the new one arrives. The greens were immaculate and the course in brilliant condition.

Bertie had a great time running about in the wet and he discovered a new game as Cormorants dive bombed him as he was obviously near a nesting area, they would swoop down towards him screaming at him and he would respond by chasing after them.

There is a stream running through the centre of the course with a number of bridges to traverse, Bertie was true to his character and insisted on being carried across every one of them!!

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